Saturday, February 28, 2015

ItsBeenAMonth? Wait, what?

Guys! It's March! What?!

I've been here for a month! That's so crazy to think about cause It's gone by so fast but I have loved every minute of it. So I know you guys are way excited about what's been going on and how the projects are doing,  so I won't make you wait any longer haha.

Project Updated!!

Our education projects are going really well!

FENC - FENC becomes more rewarding as these kids remember what we teach and as more and more of them bring their homework so that they can receive help on it so they  understand the material so that they can pass their exams.

There is actually one student I work with who is very concerned about passing her exams and making sure she knows the information so she actually asks her teacher for work two weeks in advance and asks us to teach it to her. This is more than we imagined would happen but we are so proud of how dedicated she is to her education, passing her exams,  and her future success.

I am so excited to see where we end up with this project as these kids continue to progress.

St. Anne's - I love this project more and more as I am part of it. This week we took individual pictures of the little girls in the class that we help with. And I seriously don't think many of them have had their picture taken before so this will be a cool experience for them alongside our intention to unit the classroom as a whole. We are putting together a picture board with their pictures on it so they can see it everyday in their class room. I am so excited to see how this comes together!

St. Joseph's - This is another Catholic school for girls but this is a secondary school where St. Anne's is a primary school so the girls are older. This week I got to be a part of teaching an art class and a guitar/piano class. I absolutely loved it! I love being able to help people learn the beautiful world of music! I also loved this because this is how I got to start my day! I'm so excited to watch these kids as they learn more and more and begin to really play!

Hilton Special School - This week was pretty awesome! These kids love life so much! And this week we got to teach them how to do paper mâché! We are going to have each of the kids make their own globe as we teach them about different parts of the world and have the kids draw a picture of what they remember or like most about the part of the world we talk about that day. Then we are going to put those pictures together in a collage of the world. Hailey and I are so excited about this one!

Weekend - this weekend we went and explored Moon Reef! This was one one of my favorite experiences here yet! A group of us got on a boat and our guide took us to the reef where he showed us a pod of dolphins! This was so much fun! The dolphins would swim right alongside the boat. Then after following the dolphins around for awhile,  we went snorkeling at the reef. That was so cool! The water was so clear and beautiful, it was beautiful!

Well guys,  eight weeks left! I'll keep you guys updated as the weeks go by! I hope you all are doing well!

Till next time!

~ Hailey

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